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"Democracy is a revolution that has never been won." - Tino 


I Ask You. In A True Democracy Would You Vote For This?

Updated: Oct 9, 2021

If this was a true democracy where the American people at all levels of government could make their own laws and repeal laws that the legislature has passed that do not serve the common good, would we vote for an economic system that has the highest levels of income and wealth inequality in the industrial world, and, at the same time, has the lowest levels of social mobility of any developed country except the United Kingdom and Italy? Or in other words, would you vote for an economic system where 20% of the population controls 80% of the wealth and income in the country, and 10% of the population own it all?


If this was a truly a direct and participatory democracy, would we vote for an economic system where the heirs to the Walmart fortune are paid $1.56 million dollars an hour for doing nothing except for having been born, while at the same time, Walmart employees make $7 dollars an hour? And this is only one example of the emerging aristocracy of inherited wealth and power in America that is passing our life blood on from one generation to another, feeding off us even when we are dead.

If this was a true democracy where the American people at all levels of government can make their own laws and repeal laws that the legislature has passed that do not serve the common good, would we vote for an economic system where corporations are wealthier and more powerful than most nation states, and, despite the fact that they dwarf the average American, they are recognized as legal “persons” with the same rights and freedoms as you and me as citizens of the United States, but they have none of the responsibilities, and they are devoid of any feelings or empathy? Would you vote for an economic system dominated by these Frankenstein like Leviathans that are certifiably insane sociopaths capable of committing mass murder?

Absolutely Not!

If this was a truly a direct and participatory democracy, would you vote for an economic system that at its heart is about blood sacrifice, and its ultimate expression of “creative destruction” is the massive bloodletting of war where millions upon millions are sacrificed just to keep the system going?

If this was a true democracy where the American people at all levels of government can make their own laws and repeal laws that the legislature has passed that the American people deem to not serve the common good, would you vote for an economic system that must continually grow or it will die and has become a cancerous growth that is consuming the planet, forcing every living thing into decline? Forests are shrinking, water tablets falling, soil eroding, wetlands disappearing, fisheries collapsing, range land deteriorating, rivers running dry, temperatures rising, coral reefs dying, and plant and animal species disappearing. Bottom line, would you vote for and economic system that is killing us all?


So, what is the economic alternative to mass suicide? In part one of the New American Revolution, we outlined a blueprint for a political revolution that will transform politics in America and give the American people the instrumentality to transform our economy into an economic democracy. So, what is an economic democracy of the people by the people and for the people? To understand what an economic democracy is, we must first understand what it isn’t. We must understand how vampire capitalism controls our economy and why previous attempts at reform have failed.

(The above is an excerpt from Learn or Die: The New American Revolution by Marcello Tino)

Author's Note - I have made Learn or Die: The New American Revolution available to you through Smashwords in a Freedom for Free Edition where you can pay what you want for the book or nothing at all. It is free. I'm doing this because after 50 years of research and study I believe I have found the way for all of us.

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