Capitalism has failed and should be declared dead once and for all, not for moral reasons or the horrors that it has created in name of "creative destruction" or how it is by nature amoral and pathological and glorifies narcissism and sadomasochism and views all that is compassionate, empathetic, and kind as weak. No, despite how horrific these consequences may seem, the consequences of global capitalism are far more horrific than this.
Capitalism has failed and should be declared dead because it requires continuous growth in order to survive; and at this stage of its development, it has become a cancerous growth and will destroy the very planet we live in, killing capitalists and workers alike. This is the lesson that should be drawn from what the environmentalists and environmental scientists have learned about the organism within which we live and die. This is why the capitalists and their followers are so incensed with denying the reality of global warming or man-made environmental disasters or the irreversible depletion and pollution of our natural environment and the threat to life itself. These truths threaten the very meaning of their lives, and the meaning of a person's life is far more important than the facts and reasonable alternatives that threaten it. People will die for meaning, and they will commit suicide in mass to protect their "way of life" and take us all with them in an apocalypse of their own making secure in their belief that they have fought and died for a righteous cause. This is the E =mc2
of economics in the 21st Century.