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"Democracy is a revolution that has never been won." - Tino 


US 2.0: The Model For An Economy By The People


We have looked at the traditional attempts to reform capitalism, but as we have noted, all the attempts at reform that we surveyed have flaws that have pretty much left us where we started from, with a fatal disease. Part Five of the New American Revolution is an alternative that finally banishes vampire capitalism by revealing its true image and destroying the cancer at the heart of our system and replacing it with an economic system that does not suck the life blood out of each and every one of us but nourishes us all and democratizes our economy so that it is an economy of, by, and for the people. Essentially, we are turning capitalism on its head.

An Economy by the People

How are we going to free ourselves of the horror stories that are real, the vampires, the Leviathans, the aliens that emerge from blood pods to use us as larva wombs for a new generation of aliens that bleed and drool acid that eats away at anything that it touches. How are we going to free ourselves from a horror stories that are so real, so inhuman that we need to imagine them as an alien invasion? How are we going to vanquish these monsters that are so rich, so vast, so far way? Individually, we are defenseless, and that is the way they like to keep us, divided by class, race, gender, ethnic origins, and all the other ways they fragment us and hide the simple truth, and that is, we the people of the United States own this country. Together, you and me, all of us collectively are the sovereign kings of the richest most powerful economy in the world with a Gross National Product of 19258.78 billion dollars in 2020, (Trading Economics) and asset valued at 225 trillion dollars.(Maierhofer)

We rule here.

This should be the battle cry of the new American revolution. We need to take back our country, not only politically but also economically by going into partnership with the workers of America, which is to say that we are going into business with ourselves. We will all become entrepreneurs in a system where inspiration and new ideas and the potential for leadership circulates through the whole body politic and can be found everywhere and anywhere along with the means to implement our hopes and dream for our economy and make them a reality.

Any and all of our goals for our economy can originate at any and all levels of our government and our economy. They can originate through (1) citizen initiatives (2) referendums (3) entrepreneurs or groups of entrepreneurs and workers proposing new businesses directly to planning boards or to the people directly through the initiative process. (4) workers within a company through their representatives on the board of directors of a business or through the initiative, referendum, and recall process that is part of the governing process of the corporation (5) recommendations and proposals from research centers that are networked with the planning boards on every level of our economy. Through this system of direct economic democracy, we will create new enterprises, industries, and services, restore and revitalize the old, produce new products, create new technologies, and invest in pure science and research that will open new horizons of discovery. Quite simply, we are going to make life better for everyone.

In the workplace democracies that we will be creating, the citizen investors will elect half the members of the board of directors of the businesses that they create, and the workers will elect the other half of the board. Collectively, the workers and the citizen investors on the board will elect the CEO, and the CEO will select their management staff with the approval of the board. The CEO, the board of directors, the management staff, and the workers in cooperation and coordination with one another are responsible for the organization of the workplace, discipline, hiring and firing policies, what to produce, how to produce it, where and how much to produce, and the salaries to be paid. The workers and the citizen investors not only elect their representatives to the board of directors, but they also participate directly in the management of the enterprise through the instrumentality of the initiative, referendum, and recall processes where they can initiate, challenge and reverse decisions made by the CEO and the board of directors. They also have the power through the recall process to remove the CEO, any member of the board of directors and the management staff. At quarterly intervals, a general assembly will be called where the workers, the board of directors, the CEO, the management staff, and citizen investors can meet, discuss and debate issues, present propositions as initiatives by the workers or citizen investors or referendums by the CEO, and/or the board, the management staff, and the legislature. The meetings will be open to the public, and broadcasted through a nationwide communications network called, The People’s Business.

So, what do we do about the profits? The citizen investors and the workers share equally in the net profit after the cost of salaries, operational expenses, liabilities, and investment in new products, services, and research, etc. are deducted. This is an important point. The citizen’s share of the profits do not go to the government, It go directly into the citizen’s individual investment account. Or, in other words,

We Get the Money!


1. Trading Economics, Gross Nation Product,

2. Maierhofer, Simon, How Much is The United States of America Worth? IPYETF, Tuesday October 22, 2013 How Much is The Entire United States of America Worth? (

(The above is an excerpt from Learn or Die: The New American Revolution by Marcello Tino)

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