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"Democracy is a revolution that has never been won." - Tino 

Vampire Capitalism - The Horror Story


Updated: Oct 5, 2021

There is no mystery to why stories about vampires and the living dead are so popular in the United States. They are true stories about a horrible reality that we are too afraid to face except as harmless fantasies filtered through our mass media. Even the vampires of capitalism can't face their true image in the mirror. They have to distance themselves from the monstrous reality they create, and they are supported in their avoidance of the bloody truth by an army of for-hire-professionals who have bared their necks to their masters so that they too can feed off of the body politic and the host nation.

Trickle Down Blood

As the above pyramid chart from Bertram Gross's book, Friendly Fascism, indicates, at the apex of the pyramid are the Ultra Rich and the Financial and Corporate Overseers. Included in this oligarchy of power is the President of the United States and those who assist him in his role as Commander-in-Chief and Chief Executive. The institutions and so-called experts responsible for making certain that the vast majority of blood flows to the top are centered around the Treasury Department, the Federal Reserve, the International Monetary Fund, and the World Trade Organization, the World Bank, and the leading Wall Street bankers, especially the investment banks. All these financial institutions both domestic and international are supported by the pundits-for-hire at Harvard, MIT, and the MBA programs that train the corporate and the banking elite. As important are the hidden persuaders, Madison Avenue advertisers and sellers of primitive totems that have turned every value, every virtue, and everything we have ever fought for including our democracy into a bad ad and a consumer-product-for-profit. Another major play in this horror story is the global media that create the stories that give our life meaning and value.

They all wear a mask of respectability, but their job is to rationalize the irrational, sell us fairy tales of meaning, and abstract our pain and suffering by turning us into money, millions and billions of dollars that become electronic impulses on a computer screen, a far cry from the beating hearts of the victims of vampire capitalism. But make no mistake.

Money is Blood

It is our life blood, our hopes and dreams, our children's futures that circulate through the veins of the body politic as currency. No matter how much the so-called economic experts try to hide the truth behind obscure mathematical formulas that give the illusion of science, and no matter what they call it - "neoliberal economics", "monetarism", or "supply side economics", it is still the same old classic conservative free market economics that led us to the First Great Depression, nearly brought us to a Second Great Depression in 2008 and will bring America to a total economic collapse in the future. It is still the same old absurd gospel preached by the ministers of the God of Money, and the gospel goes like this - If we all pursue our own individual greed, we will somehow through the "invisible hand" of free market capitalism end up in Paradise.

This is not Paradise that we are going to. We are going to Hell, and as we descend into capitalist Hell, we see the emergence of a totalitarian state in America with a one-dollar-one-vote electoral system. We see a new aristocracy emerging in America of inherited wealth and power supported by a professional class who view themselves as part of a meritocracy in a nation that has little or no social mobility.

Author's Note - I have made Learn or Die: The New American Revolution available to you through Smashwords in a Freedom for Free Edition where you can pay what you want for the book or nothing at all. It is free. I'm doing this because after 50 years of research and study I believe I have found the way for all of us.


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